Seit heute gibt es den ersten „Release Candidate“ von TYPO3 4.1. Die Zahlreichen Änderungen machen Freude auf mehr 🙂 Wie immer könnt Ihr euch die Pakete auf der Downloadseite herunterladen.
Hier noch ein Auszug aus der offiziellen Newsmeldung auf
- • PHP version requirement raised to PHP 4.3.0!
- • New feature that allows to override TCA field configuration with TSConfig (by Oliver Hader)
- • Usability enhancement: Label tags have been added to many more checkboxes so you can click the label to toggle them (by Ingo Renner)
- • Prerequisites to use RealURL with IIS (by Martin Kutschker)
- • Some database performance improvements (by Dmitry Dulepov)
- • Moved prototype.js and scriptaculous to typo3/contrib/ and upgraded them to their latest versions (by Oliver Hader)
- • The install tool can now be enabled by creating a file called typo3conf/ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL instead of having to remove the die() call in typo3/install/index.php after each upgrade (by Michael Stucki)
- • Added hook to tcemain that is executed on deletion of records
- • Lots of important bugfixes related to M:M relation handling, PHP 5.2.0 compatibility, IRRE, indexed_search and the AJAX page tree