The team that successfully crowdfunded Grid Elements 2.0 last year is now in the final phase for a new crowdfunding project: Theme Packages – Base for TYPO3 CMS Design-Themes
The new project is about setting up ready made packages containing backend layouts and grid layouts with appropriate frontend output. Later on different variants of these packages, like i.e. Twitter boostrap, Foundartion, YAML, will provide a base to set up concrete individual themes and designs.
This video describes the idea behind the project and collects some statements from the TYPO3 community:
More information about the project and it’s goals can be found here. There is also a german version of the project description.
Since there are only 7 days left to get this project crowdfunded, the project team needs your help NOW!
Please spread the word, ask your boss or consider a donation! Every amount helps!
If the funding goal isn’t met, all money is give back to the sponsors. So you have nothing to loose!