TYPO3 4.1.3 wurde soeben veröffentlicht. Das neue Paket könnt ihr euch hier runterladen. Hier der ganze Überblick über das was sich seit der letzen Version getan hat:
* Release of TYPO3 4.1.3
* Fixed bug #6340: JS errors with dividers2tabs and rtehtmlarea
* Fixed bug: #6531: Function getUpdateJS doesn’t work properly (Thanks to Philip Almeida)
* Fixed bug: #434: function getUpdateJS produce JS error messages
* Fixed bug #5949: BE-Shortcut to Tools->User Admin returns error. (By Oliver Hader)
* Fixed bug #6210: UserTSConfig value „options.moduleMenuCollapsable=0“ does not work.
* Fixed bug #6071: Switch to User does not work from context menu in List Module. (Thanks to Christian Kuhn all patches above!)
* Fixed bug #6553: Remove hardcoded strip_tags() from image altText and replacing it with TS stripHtml = 1 (Thanks to Georg Ringer)
* Fixed bug: stdWrap for imgMax is not taken into account. (Thanks to Helmut Hummel)
* Fixed bug 6546: Remove htmlArea RTE acronym from Insert-Record object
* Fixed bug #6121: Reply-To field in formmails can contain invalid characters if formMailCharset different from site charset (patch by Wolfgang Zenker)
* Fixed bug #6202: Company field is missing for table fe_users in „View Item“ (Thanks to Christian Kuhn)
* Fixed bug #3552: Fatal error during backend edit
* Fixed bug 4183: Incorrect display in htmlArea RTE of utf-8 labels for colors, classes and fonts defined in PageTSConfig
* Fixed bug 4525: In htmlArea RTE, disabling personal dictionaries in UserTSConfig not honored
* Fixed bug 5855: Missing unlink icon in htmlArea RTE
* Fixed bug 5839: In htmlArea RTE, paragraph & text dropdown boxes inactive when using @media clause in stylesheet
* Fixed bug 6152: AllowClipboard helper offered by htmlArea RTE doesn’t work with 2.0.0.x Firefox
* Fixed bug 6340: rtehtmlarea not working with „Editforms on page“ option
* Fixed bug 6152: Nullify default value AllowClipboard helper and use TYPO3-specific Firefox extension
* Update version number of rtehtmlarea to 1.5.4
* Fix bug #6420: access key generation wrong with HTML tags in menu titles (TMENU)
* Fixed bug #5911: GIFBUILDER setting quality not honoured
* Fixed bug #6462: Wrong default locale charset on Windows
* Fixed bug #6252: rteHTMLarea acronyms are not DBAL compatible
* Fixed bug #5189: images with uppercase file extension aren’t displayed in drag-n-drop listing
* Fixed bug #1471: Check if exif functions are available before using them.
* (minor) Fixed bug #65: Thumbnails in Element Browser are only displayed if fileSuffix is lowercase
* fixed bug 5701: linkHandler Hook Not Initialized Properly , patch supplied by Jeff Segars
* Require PHP 4.3 explicitely in init.php
* Bugfix: Highlight root page in pagetree
* Fixed bug #4160: Moving content elements in frontent editing mode causes crash
* Disable versioning in clickMenu if BE user doesn’t have access to the versioning module
* (minor) Fixed bug #6104: IRRE – IE7: Strange behaviour with hover event of nested Tabs/IRRE-levels with relative positioned HTML elements
* (minor) Fixed bug #5906: IRRE – Default values defined in TCA are not used for children (thanks to Joscha Feth and Jeff Segars)
* (trivial) Added is_array checks in extension manager code (committed by Stucki)
* Fixed: hanging recordset in t3lib_BEfunc
* (trivial) Fixed bug #4888: Invalid argument supplied for foreach()
* Fixed bug #5941: Log reason of failure on DB connect
PS: Die offizielle Newsmeldung ist nun auch erschienen.