3 Reaktionen zu “TypoScript Step by Step”

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Was es da bisher gibt, ist sehr lehrreicht und gut geschrieben 🙂

Sebastian Gebhard am 04. Juni 2008 um 15:18

Hm, nur leider scheint die Seite nicht besonders aktiv zu sein. Außerdem wäre ganz interessant zu wissen, wer hinter der Seite steckt.

Peter am 05. Juni 2008 um 08:50

I’m behind it 😉

Thanks for the mention, Tim, and I’m glad you like the material Sebastian. Peter, you’re right there’s not a lot happening there at the moment, but this is largely because I’ve been working on an MA for the last nine months. There should be some activity again in the coming couple of months.

Suggestions for topics that are confusing or hard to understand are welcome, but my next large topic was going to be how to use TYPO3 and Typoscript to generate dynamic CSS files (for a preview, you can have a look at my extension bh_firtools in the TER).

Christopher am 06. Juni 2008 um 14:41

